PlaceOfMine will aggregate apartment listings from many thousands of websites, including individual property management sites, Internet listings sites etc. Users can then filter apartments based on beds, baths, price, amenities, neighborhood etc, overlay transit routes and crime heatmaps (in select cities) and customize the map by marking points or areas that denote special interest such as friends’ homes or work places.
A mechanism (called CaPinion) that will compare and rate each apartment along the lines of rent, access to public transit, proximity to amenities and past crime occurrences around the area. We leveraged Cazoodle’s core competency in data aggregation in order to compile data from multiple sources such as the US census bureau, police departments of various cities, Openstreetmaps, Wikipedia, Factual etc.
Trying to find a place to live with roommates can be very difficult. Place of Mine allows users to create multiple lists of apartments they are interested in and also to collaborate on these lists with friends. Each list can be converted into a shared workspace where users can add apartments, comment, add pictures (from apartment walkthroughs) and notes.